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Threat Intel Updates

Weekly updates from the Corvus Threat Intel team and CISO Jason Rebholz.

Social Engineering, Ransomware Impact on NHS, & Crypto Crackdowns

Cisco reveals a breach, NHS reels from a ransomware attack, and sanctions hit cryptocurrency entity, Tornado Cash.

Typosquatting, Bypassing EDR & DDoS Attacks

Corvus Threat Intel update for the week of August 8, 2022.

Confluence Critical Vulnerability, Macros & MSPs

Corvus Threat Intel update for the week of August 1, 2022.

DOJ Fund Recovery, the Dark Web Bargain Bin, VBA Macros Update

Corvus Threat Intel update for the week of July 25, 2022.

North Korea Using Ransomware Groups to Target Small Businesses, Healthcare

Corvus Threat Intel update from July 17, 2022.

Did you already forget about Log4j? Well, threat actors haven’t.

Corvus Threat Intel update from July 7, 2022.

Lockbit Ransomware gets a makeover.

Corvus Threat Intel update for July 5, 2022.