Corvus Insights Blog

Our thoughts on cyber risk, underwriting, data science, and insurance.

Data Science (2)

(Re) Building a Ransomware Risk Score for the Future

One of the latest additions to the Corvus Smart Cyber policy is the Ransomware Risk Score. In this blog, we'll break down how this score is generated.

A Final Look Back: Our Most-Read Blogs of 2020

The past year brought new challenges to businesses as cyber risks soared due to the Covid-19 pandemic. Here’s a look back at blog posts worth re-visiting.

Corvus Updates Scan with RDP Detection, Cuts Ransomware Claims by 65%

With version 2.0 of the Corvus Scan, Corvus works with Brokers and Policyholders to reduce Ransomware Claims. Learn more in this short blog.

How We Use AI to Better Understand Tech E&O Risk (Part II of II)

How can Artificial Intelligence benefit carriers, brokers and policyholders? Find out in Part Two of our two part blog series.

How We Use AI to Better Understand Tech E&O Risk (Part I of II)

How can AI be deployed to benefit carriers, brokers and policyholders? Find out in Part One of our two part blog series.

The 3 Most Common Cybersecurity Gaps Your Clients May Face

What are the top three cybersecurity gaps your clients may face, and how can the Corvus DLP Report help remediate these issues? Find out in this blog.

What Does Adversarial Underwriting Mean for the Insurance Industry?

Cyber Risk is on the rise, and as a result, adversarial underwriting has entered the insurance world. Check out this short blog for more information.

The Breach Calculator: A Useful Tool or Past Its Prime?

How useful are data breach calculators in analyzing cyber threats and their associated financial risk? Find out in this short blog.

Five Ways to Defend Against People Risk & User Error

What are the top five ways to defend against People Risk when it comes to security incidents like phishing? Find out in this short blog.

Historical Data Won’t Predict Cyber Claims - Here’s What Will

Reliance upon historical loss data, that pillar of insurance underwriting, will likely lead to a false sense of security among many insurers.